Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Family Advent Tradition

I know it just looks like a Log, but there was a significant amount of work that went into it, especially considering I don't use power tools.
This will be a new Advent tradition for me and the boy's every year, it is inexpensive and fun. We cut the log, chisel any knots off the bottom, plane it flat, so it doesn't roll, then drill the holes with a good old brace and bit. Quality time together, that can be offered up as penance (in the spirit of Advent) and it also builds tradition and work ethic. I was reminded of St Joseph and a young Jesus when I was showing my son how to use the wood plane.

Devoted Husband, Loving Father,Hockey Fanatic, Passionate Catholic.

1 comment:

  1. And yet another tradition, since we plan on making a new one every year, we will give the old one to someone for Christmas
