Sunday, November 27, 2011

New to the Blogosphere

Please be patient with me as this is new to me, but I figured I needed to expand my arena of nonstop ruminating from Facebook to the fantastic world of blogging.  

This blog will be my thoughts, opines, musings, and ramblings on everything from being a Father, to having a traditional approach to family values, reclaiming the Head of the Catholic Home, to keeping a steadfast faith in an otherwise secular world... Or anything else I feel like putting in my pipe and blowing up in smoke!

Paul Kemp Jr.
Devoted Husband, Loving Father, Hockey Fanatic, Passionate Catholic.


  1. Hahahahaha I Blake Quick am the first to post on your blog! I have now made history!

  2. Fantastic! Now contribute something useful, or be henceforth banished evermore! Just kidding, but seriously, write something up.

  3. and for crying out loud Blake, hit follow.
