Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Martyered Crown

A Facebook acquaintance of mine posted this link along with the following statement,
"Isn't it nice to see the martyred saints are so comfy while people in all parts of the world suffer?" which i find inappropriate and offensive. Have some respect for the faithful departed.

First I want to point out that the 17th century wasn't exactly the easiest of times, and for people to have this much love, respect and reverence for the departed in the face of such suffering (I personally think) shows the Christlike compassion He expects us to have towards one another.

Second, this statement acknowledges that they are MARTYRED saints, which would imply (at least history has shown) that they SUFFERED fairly horrifying deaths which most likely weren't very "Comfy"

Third, Christians didn't exactly start the trend of caring for the dead, this has been done in one shape or form in every culture and faith, it is human nature to want to see our deceased loved ones in a state of comfort, rest, and peace.

Further, I have heard people all over the place (especially on social networking sites) complaining about the sad state of the poor and suffering, yet when was the last time you actually did anything to comfort the afflicted? When was the last time you did any of the corporal works of mercy; To feed the hungry; To give drink to the thirsty; To clothe the naked; To harbour the harbourless; To visit the sick; To ransom the captive; To bury the DEAD? It seems to me (and Holy Mother Church thinks so too, as she is the largest charitable organization in the world, providing relief services, schooling, clothing, food, medicine and shelter to the suffering all over the world) that the world would be a much more "comfy" place if more of us showed more actual tangible compassion towards our fellow man. You may not be able to take care of "people in all parts of the world" but I would venture to guess that there is a shelter, nursing home, jail, soup kitchen, or hospital in your community. 

This Divine command is set forth in the most stringent terms by Christ, and the failure to comply with it is visited with the supreme penalty of eternal damnation (Matthew 25:41): "Then he shall say to them also that shall be on his left hand: Depart from me, you cursed, in everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry, and you gave me not to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me not to drink. I was a stranger, and you took me not in; naked, and you covered me not; sick and in prison, and you did not visit me", etc. Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said, ‎"Not always but sometimes criticism is the outcome of an incapacity to produce, or a defense against one's own inferiority. The habit of criticism is the best indication of an incomplete life." So log off of twitter and facebook and do something other than criticize and complain, be superior, be complete, be charitable, be a Saint.
Paul Kemp Jr.
Devoted Husband, Loving Father, Hockey Fanatic, Passionate Catholic.

 ‘Taken from the catacombs of Rome in the 17th century, the relics of twelve martyred saints were then attired in the regalia of the period before being interred in a remote church on the German/Czech border.’

 St. Alexander

St. Deodatus
St. Gratian
 St. Maximinus
 St. Maximus
 St. Theodosius
St. Victorius
St. Vitalian
All ye holy men and women, saint of God, Make intercession for us.
Be merciful, Spare us O Lord.
Be merciful, Graciously hear us O Lord.
From all evil, O Lord deliver us.
From all sin, O Lord deliver us.
From thy wrath, O Lord deliver us.
From a sudden and unprovided death, O Lord deliver us.
From the deceits of the devil, O Lord deliver us.
From anger, hatred and all ill-will, O Lord deliver us.

That Thou wouldst humble the enemies of Thy holy Church, We beseech Thee, hear us.
That Thou wouldst give peace and true concord to Christian kings and princes, We beseech Thee, hear us.
That Thou wouldst grant peace and unity to all Christian people, We beseech Thee, hear us.
That Thou wouldst bring back to the unity of the Church all those who have strayed from the truth, and lead to the light of the Gospel all unbelievers, We beseech Thee, hear us.

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