Sunday, January 8, 2012

Theophany Road Less Traveled

So as we look back on the epiphany of the lord this year it reminds me of the road that we travel and must Continue to do so. For as the kings followed a star to an unknown place, so to is it for the person seeking the truth. Whether you are a practicing Catholic, a lapsed Catholic or a convert to the faith, we must (like the three kings of old) give up everything to follow the light that is Christ.

And while we may not have gold or frankincense to offer, we all have ourselves to offer to the Lord. That is what He wants, not that we so much offer material things although we do; but  that we sacrifice for Him and and in return God will give us crosses. Crosses that we must pick up and carry daily.

I think that is very important especially with the Christmas season. We must continue all year, every day, every hour and every minute... to remember that we must all bear our crosses. There is more to our wonderful religion then just Christmas and Easter.

For Eastern Catholics this feast is known as the Theophany or the Revelation of God to man. I think that we can take that to heart. With the Christmas season winding down and all the ornaments put up till next year, a sense of calm may start to permeate, and as the season wanes so does our excitement. We must not let this happen! For Christ has come to the world! Rejoice in that fact and as a Catholic rejoice that you may actually see the Lord face to face!

So as the three kings traveled to see our Lord and offer what they had, I implore you to do the same. Get in your car or walk, but take the couple minutes to go see our Blessed Lord in adoration and offer to Him everything you are. For when you do this, you are holy. May God bless you all.

Blake Quick ~

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